M. R. Pournaki

I am a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Sharif University of Technology. Currently, I am the Director of Pure Mathematics Section as well as the Person in Charge of International Affairs of the department. Also, I am an Associate Researcher at the School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, formerly called Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM).

I got my undergraduate and master degrees from Sharif University of Technology and my Ph.D. from the University of Tehran. Also, I have been a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at IPM for four years.

My Ph.D. Student
Seyed Amin Seyed Fakhari was my Ph.D. student. His second advisor was Volkmar Welker from the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, and his co-advisor was Siamak Yassemi from the University of Tehran. As a Ph.D. student, Amin was awarded the Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates within the Sandwich Model (PKZ: A/10/97723) offered by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). He got his Ph.D. in combinatorial commutative algebra on January 16, 2013. Amin has been a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at IPM for two years and he is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran.

If you have any question or comment, you can send an email to <pournaki@ipm.ir>. Also if you want to learn more about me, you may click on one of the following links.

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    This page is maintained by M. R. Pournaki and published on the web on August 01, 2003.

     Last update: April 17, 2017


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